Strong, beautiful teeth are a sign of good health. Many people feel automatically attracted to someone with a nice smile. But what if your teeth are not in great shape? Perhaps issues like decay, damage, and gum disease have taken their toll. There is no need to worry. You can visit your dentist without fear of judgement. Rather than try to shame you for your condition, they should focus on helping you improve your oral health. Here are some reasons why you can attend your appointment without worrying about how your dental team will perceive you:
Your Oral Health Does Not Define You
Dentists understand that the state of your teeth and gums says very little about you as a person. Some people have oral health problems due to their genetics, certain medical conditions, a stressful lifestyle, or past trauma. The challenges you are facing do not indicate anything about your value as a human being.
Your Dentist Has Probably Seen Worse Cases
Even if you are struggling with some severe oral health issues, your dentist has probably seen worse. And even if you are one of the more complex cases they have dealt with, they still will not judge you. Rather, they will see the situation as an opportunity to extend empathy and kindness while they put their skills to good use.
Dentists Are Kind People
Most dentists get into their profession because they are enthusiastic about health, and they want to help people. They do not study for several years just to make fun of their patients. Rather, they study because they know that anyone could experience poor oral health, and everyone deserves to be treated with human decency and dignity.
Most Oral Health Problems Are Fixable
Even if it has been many years since you received professional dental care, the chances are good that you can achieve a healthy, functional smile if you undergo proper treatment. Decayed teeth can be repaired with fillings or crowns. Infected teeth can usually be treated with root canal therapy. Missing teeth are often replaceable with dental implants. Your dentist will be eager to design a treatment plan that is tailored to your unique needs.
You Should Be Commended
Some people have made mistakes that contributed to their poor oral health. If that is true of you, there is no need to spend a lot of time and energy on regretting the past. Rather, you should be commended and congratulated for visiting your dentist and taking the first steps toward a healthier smile. Plus, it is not just your smile that will benefit. Your overall health and quality of life may improve as well!
Meet the Practice
Dr. Brenda Berkal has more than four decades of experience in dentistry. She always strives to treat patients with empathy and kindness, regardless of the nature of the oral health challenges they are facing. If you would like to consult with her and our team about how you can enjoy an improved smile, contact our Derry, NH, dental office at 603-434-4090.